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Business Duty Officer

Changes in Legislation

Well, of course, where are entrepreneurs without tracking changes in legislation! Sometimes it seems, that there are so many laws, no matter how hard you try, you will not even have time to read and remember their names, and even more to understand the essence, which sometimes leads to catastrophic errors in decision making, up to business loss. We will help you deal with this in this section., we will find all the most important changes ourselves and tell you about them in an accessible form.

How to appeal the decision of the supervisory authorities

The Ministry of Economic Development announced the simplification of the process of pre-trial appeal of inspections. The basis for pre-trial appeal of the scheduled inspection is violations of the Regulations. К наиболее распространенным нарушениям можно отнести

New edition of the Code of Administrative Offences

The Ministry of Justice has prepared a new edition of the Code. Changes have also affected the business sphere. One of the key goals of the development of the law is to reduce the burden on business and introduce a risk-based approach..

Transition of Russian companies to domestic software

Accelerated and forced digital transformation due to crisis and economic shocks, caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, and the subsequent emergence of new services updated the trend for information security in Russia.

Testing the digital ruble platform

In January 2022 года Банк России планирует начать тестирование прототипа платформы цифрового рубля — запуск цифровой валюты станет одним из ключевых проектов в области цифровизации

New package of anti-crisis measures to support business

26 October, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses met with First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov at the Coordination Center, where he announced new support measures developed by the Government

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