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Business Duty Officer

Changes in Legislation

Well, of course, where are entrepreneurs without tracking changes in legislation! Sometimes it seems, that there are so many laws, no matter how hard you try, you will not even have time to read and remember their names, and even more to understand the essence, which sometimes leads to catastrophic errors in decision making, up to business loss. We will help you deal with this in this section., we will find all the most important changes ourselves and tell you about them in an accessible form.

Major Changes in Bankruptcy

In May 2021 The Government of the Russian Federation as a subject of the legislative initiative submitted a bill to the State Duma, which, as its drafters suggest, will radically change the effectiveness of the institute

New tax regime

Since July 1 January 2022 amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation will enter into force, establishing a "transitional tax regime" (PNR) for public catering establishments. To use the tax benefit, you must, to

Amounts of damage, transferred to the budget

In accordance with Art.. 270 Tax Code of the Russian Federation expenses in the form of penalties, fines and other sanctions, transferred to the budget (to state extra-budgetary funds), should not be taken into account

Transition to domestic software: step-by-step instruction

In the development of the trend of digitalization and support for domestic software, the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation launched a new mechanism to support small and medium-sized businesses. Теперь

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