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Business Duty Officer

Business Tips

Many entrepreneurs are accustomed to doing business "the old fashioned way", traditionally paying off officials, giving up on seemingly hopeless disputes with competitors and not seeing new ways to develop business. But really, why do something if it “works” like that?
Constant changes in the environment, legislation greatly change the rules of the game. How can you help here? What's New to Tell Experienced Entrepreneurs About, how to run a business?
Legal support will help to correctly substantiate the position before the authorities and courts. Win in court in "hopeless" disputes with competitors. GR services and investigative journalism will help bring attention to the issue and provide new impetus for business development. Besides, ensuring high-quality contact with public organizations, associations, unions, large business associations, communities, advisory structures under public authorities, the creation of specialized industry associations will help entrepreneurs find new business partners and give a new impetus to business development.
Well, and the information in this section will help to be always aware of the acute problems of entrepreneurship.

Управлять самому или брать наемного директора

На первых этапах жизненного цикла компании абсолютно обосновано, что собственник управляет своей компанией. Но позже возникает необходимость в изменении стиля управления, especially, если собственнику в

Проблемы применения налоговых льгот для бизнеса

Для стимулирования развития бизнеса, органами власти предоставляются различные льготы в помощь предпринимателям. Это особенно актуально с учетом затруднений в ведении бизнеса в контексте мер по

Splitting a business as an illegal way to optimize taxes

The possibility of choosing a special regime entailed the manifestation of human imagination in the optimization of taxes - the fragmentation of business by creating organizations, using USN. Однако ФНС запрещает такой

In Russia, rather unfavorable conditions for doing business.

Almost half of Russians (49%) Believe, that in Russia there are rather unfavorable conditions for doing business. 37% of citizens think the business environment is favorable, and the rest found it difficult to answer.. При

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