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Business Duty Officer

Revsky Valery Georgievich

Revsky Valery Georgievich

Lead Arbitration Lawyer, insolvency expert (Bankruptcy) legal entities and individuals, as well as separate disputes on bringing to subsidiary liability, declaring transactions invalid, challenging the actions of arbitration managers in all insolvency proceedings (bankruptcy).


Graduated from FGBOU VO "Polar State University named after. N.M. Fedorovsky" (specialization - mining engineer, safety precautions for underground blasting).

Graduated from the Russian Customs Academy (specialization – lawyer, legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity).

work experience:

In period 2018-2021 years. Assistant Judge of Bankruptcy at the Arbitration Court of Moscow. Categories of cases in production: bankruptcy cases: Individuals and legal entities, individual entrepreneurs.

In period 2021-2023 years. assistant arbitration manager, support of bankruptcy proceedings of legal entities and individuals by the arbitration manager.

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