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Business Duty Officer

Molchanova Marina Alekseevna

Molchanova Marina Alekseevna

Researcher at the Center for Judicial Law, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law Enforcement Lawyers Training, criminal proceedings, human rights activities of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, PhD in Law.


Higher legal education:

Graduated from the magistracy of the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State University named after M.V.. Lomonosov (specialization - criminal procedure, judicial branch, prosecution and advocacy).

Graduated from full-time postgraduate studies at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in Judicial Activities, prosecutorial activity, human rights and law enforcement activities” and defended her Ph.D. thesis “The activities of law enforcement agencies to combat corruption in commercial organizations”.


Education at the O.E. Moscow State University. Kutafin under the advanced training program "Transformation of the Institute of Legal Responsibility in Changing Social Practice" (2018 Mr.); "Theory and practice of the legal process" (2017 y).

Legal English courses at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation (2016).


Sphere of scientific interests: anti-corruption policy, combating corruption in the private sector of the economy, anti-corruption compliance, digital economy, judicial and law enforcement activities.


Participates in writing comments, collective monographs and study guides.

Crimes against the interests of service in commercial and other organizations: scientific and practical commentary to the chapter 23 Criminal Code of the Russian Federation / rep. order. I. I. Kucherov, ABOUT. A. Zaitsev, Since July. L. Noodle. - Moscow: Avenue, 2022;

Scientific and practical commentary to the Federal Law dated 25 December 2008 y. No. 273-FZ "On Combating Corruption" / T.Ya. Khabrieva, A.M. Cirin, A.F. Nozdrachev and others. / rep. order. T.Ya. Khabrieva. - M.: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2017;

Anti-Corruption Ethics and Service Behavior: scientific and practical guide / ON. Abuzyarova, M.V. Zaloilo, IN AND. Kuznetsov and others.; in order. I.I. Kucherova, A.M. Cyrina. - M.: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 2017;

Fighting corruption in law enforcement agencies abroad: monograph / Artemov V.Yu., Vlasov I.S., Golovanova N.A. etc.; rep. order. Vlasov I.S., Kubantsev S.P.. - M., IZiSP, 2017. etc.


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