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Business Duty Officer

Round table "Actual problems of liberalization for business: Where does the line between public and private interests lie?

Round table "Actual problems of liberalization for business: Where does the line between public and private interests lie?

Sanction risks, administrative barriers and forceful pressure continue to be systemic problems of Russian business in the context of geopolitical instability. In this regard, one of the priority support measures, designated by the President of Russia, is the liberalization of criminal legislation and the provision of procedural guarantees for entrepreneurs during the investigation of criminal cases.

As part of the round table, it is planned to discuss the current state of administrative and power pressure, mechanisms for improving the current legislation and law enforcement practice, aimed at improving the security of the business environment and improving the business climate in Russia.

Participants of the discussion:
– Avdeeva Ekaterina Valerievna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, RANEPA, Member of the General Council of Business Russia, Head of the Expert Center for Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts, ambassador “business officer”
– Zaitsev Oleg Vladimirovich, Doctor of Law, Director of the Higher School of Law, RANEPA
– Nudel Stanislav Lvovich, Doctor of Law, head of the center of criminal, criminal procedure legislation and judicial practice IZiSP

presenter: Elena Larina

date and time: 11 maya in 17:00

Location: radio "METRO"

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