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Business Duty Officer

Delovaya Rossiya urged to subsidize leasing companies within the framework of promipoteka.

Delovaya Rossiya urged to subsidize leasing companies within the framework of promipoteka.

Ekaterina Avdeeva, a member of the general council of the organization, pointed out the likelihood of banks refusing to issue a loan due to the already existing mortgage burden.

“Business Russia” proposes to provide subsidies for leasing companies as part of the support instrument – industrial mortgage. About this during the Krasnoyarsk economic the forum told a member of the general council “Business Russia”, Head of the Expert Center for Criminal Law Policy and Enforcement of Judicial Acts, project ambassador “Business Duty Officer” Ekaterina Avdeeva.

“You can positively evaluate the industrial mortgage instrument, however, it does not include additional costs for entrepreneurs to repair premises, technical equipment, infrastructure, what needs new funding. In this case, credit organizations may refuse to issue a loan due to the already existing mortgage burden., which leads to sluggish development of the project or its curtailment. Thus, it is advisable to improve the measure of support, provide for subsidizing leasing companies for their activity in equipment financing, define the criteria for granting, business limits and guarantees”, – said Avdeeva.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the need to develop an industrial mortgage mechanism during his address to the Federal Assembly..

Industrial Mortgage Program – providing preferential loans to enterprises for the purchase of real estate for industrial production, – started in September 2022 y. The program allows companies to obtain loans up to 500 million rubles for up to seven years at a reduced rate 5% Annual. For technology companies, the rate is even lower – 3% Annual.

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