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Business Duty Officer

Legal tax optimization

The issue of effective cost minimization is acute for every company, while not everyone thinks, and those, who thinks, do not always understand how to reduce tax expenses in the legal field?

Undoubtedly, first of all, it is worth making a reservation about legality. All services provided are completely legal and consist in the use of those rights and benefits, who usually do not notice or attach importance to them.

Tax optimization will allow you to use the rights granted by the state, освобождающие от уплаты налогов или позволяющие выбрать наиболее выгодные формы предпринимательской деятельности. For this purpose, it is important to choose the most favorable taxation system., on which will depend, какие налоги и по каким ставкам организация будет платить, какую отчетность и с какой периодичностью сдавать.

Besides, in the current conditions, it is necessary to make the most of those tax preferences, which the state provides to support business. Законодательство предоставляет льготы в виде пониженных ставок налогов или полного освобождения от уплаты платежей в бюджет, а также налоговые каникулы для начинающих предпринимателей.

It is possible to optimize tax deductions by reorganizing the staffing table and attracting outsourcing companies to perform certain work.. В этом случае вы на законных основаниях сможете отнести на налоговые расходы суммы за оказанные услуги, не начислять на эти суммы зарплату и не платить с нее налоги.

So, we offer the following options:

  • The choice of a profitable and suitable taxation system for your business;
  • Optimizing your accounting - we check the documentation, we will report on the effectiveness of the accounting policy and help to improve it;
  • Analysis and selection of subsidies suitable for your business, grants and benefits - each region has its own preferences, which can significantly reduce the rate, and we will help you exercise your right;
  • Identification and provision of tax incentives in special economic zones for residents and those, who plans to scale their business there;
  • Determination of the tax regime in cross-border transactions (export, import);
  • Protection against additional taxes and fees;
  • Checking and refunding overpaid taxes and fees.

We do not offer dubious options for reducing tax rates, however, we guarantee the full legality of the proposed solutions and their effectiveness.

For all questions, you can keep in touch with us and receive a report on the activities performed., and to make sure of this right now, use our contact details and get high-quality legal assistance.

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