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Business Duty Officer

Creating a franchise model

Creating a franchise model

Франчайзинг – agreement of the rights' holder (франчайзера) и пользователя (франчайзи), according to which the right holder is obliged to give the user for a right to use a set of exclusive rights belonging to the right holder in business activities, business reputation and commercial experience for a fee, включая право на товарный знак и другие предусмотренные договором объекты интеллектуальной собственности.

Франчайзинг – смешанная форма крупного и мелкого предпринимательства, при которой крупные корпорации (франчайзеры) make an agreement with small firms for the right to act on behalf of the franchisor.

Why do successful entrepreneurs create franchises?
How we operate to create your franchise:

1. You leave a request with a question that you're interested in

Fill out the form on the site, and we call you back

2. Professional lawyers will contact you to agree on further actions

We discuss your problem and possible solutions

3. We offer franchise solutions

(Then) we agree on the terms of cooperation and conclude an agreement

4. Now you have a franchise, that multiplies your profit

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Why do entrepreneurs turn to Business Duty Officer to create a promising franchise?
pro bono consultation