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Business Duty Officer

Lawyer for article 186 CC RF

Making, keeping, transfering or selling of counterfeit money or securities

We'll achieve the best outcome of the criminal case professionally
Lawyer for article 186 CC RF

Бизнес неразрывно связан с серьезными рисками, которые предприниматели не всегда полностью осознают. Кроме очевидных финансовых рисков, entrepreneurs are constantly threatened by legal risks. Business Duty Officer provides professional services to entrepreneurs to protect their interests, свободы и честного имени.

Сфера материального производства находится под бдительным наблюдением контролирующих органов. It happens, что они выдвигают против компаний и сотрудников недостаточно обоснованные обвинения.

Situations that involve law enforcement bodies to resolve business or work conflicts are not uncommon.

Making, keeping, transfering or selling of counterfeit money or securities (also known as counterfeiting of money) is a corpus delicti, stipulated in the 186 CC RF. This composition has proven itself to be not the best one in the business community, since this criminal act can be committed absolutely without any sufficient intent, it's not uncommon for counterfeit documents to be used by counterparties, which places the responsibility on you and your business.

Specificity of economic crimes in general and their reflection in the law is in their weak formal certainty. Often, the same act can be qualified for different criminal offenses and with completely different legal consequences for convicts.

Central to the protection of principals in economic crimes is the proof of the absence of intent to commit crimes, which they are accused of.

How Business Duty Officer protects their clients from criminal prosecution for illegal banking activities?

4 steps to your full defense in a criminal case under article 186 CC RF:

1.You leave a request with a brief description of the situation.

Fill out the form on the site, and we call you back .

2. Professional lawyers will contact you to agree on further actions.

We discuss your problem and possible solutions.

3. Discuss the details of cooperation with a personal lawyer.

We coordinate decisions, terms of cooperation and conclude an agreement.

4. A team of specialized lawyers provides you with comprehensive protection.

We guarantee high-quality resolution of a difficult situation.

In what cases is it necessary to contact Business Duty Officer?
Why is Business Duty Officer entrusted with protection in the most complex criminal cases?
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